An unexpected crisis can leave us floundering – or it can reveal inner strength, transform our lives and even the future of society.
With lockdowns, travel restrictions and quarantines extending for weeks at a time, people in Hong Kong found their lives in turmoil. “Covid-19 is not like SARS. It’s been the worst pandemic this century,” said Percy Kwan, Hong Kong Marketing Director of Klook, the travel and experience booking platform. Like others, Klook faced its share of challenges during the pandemic. However, in what Percy described as a “beautiful journey”, it found a like-minded partner in DBS, who also wanted to make a difference in Hong Kong.

Emily Ip, Senior Vice President, Personal Loans and Credit Card Business, Consumer Banking Group and Wealth Management, DBS Bank (Hong Kong) (R)
Percy Kwan, Hong Kong Marketing Director of Klook (L)
“Klook and DBS have actually been partners for a long time now. But the sudden impact of Covid-19 uncovered a shared vision: to cheer people up and help them de-stress during this challenging time.”Emily Ip, Senior Vice President of Personal Loans and Credit Card Business, Consumer Banking Group and Wealth Management, DBS Bank (Hong Kong), believes there is more to banking than services and credit card offers. Amid the pandemic, what consumers need is help adapting to the “new normal”.

Percy believes things are changing, so agility and forward planning are crucial, be it three months, six months or even a year ahead of time.
Speedy Response to the “New Normal”
What are the challenges of the “new normal”?
Going out every day and taking a holiday or two with family and friends used to be commonplace. Then the pandemic hit, confining people at home whether they were working, studying or taking time off. The farthest anyone ventured was downstairs for groceries, leading to higher levels of anxiety and even depression.
Percy understood the struggle. After all, she had tried out every food delivery option within her reach in the first month. “Klook and DBS decided to focus on food delivery, so people could order from other districts without leaving home,” says Percy. “They could also enjoy family or romantic staycations at select Hong Kong hotels for a night or two. We wanted to cheer people up with a quick fix for their cabin fever!”
To this, Emily added, “I agree. Our collaboration brings back happy moments amid the challenges. It’s so important to stay positive, especially now.”
Next was implementation.
“By analysing data such as consumer category, district and preferences, we pinpointed customers who would be interested in food delivery, then notified them of Klook’s latest deals,” says Emily. “For example, our credit card app can locate customers through GPS and show them relevant restaurant offers and the fastest and best delivery deals in their area.” However, Emily is quick to point out that while the partnership gave Klook increased exposure, the goal was to help people relax and stay positive as they adapted to the “new normal”.

After a year of close collaboration, the pair are as close as colleagues.
Acting Swiftly to Meet Local Needs
Data-driven marketing is becoming increasingly common, helping businesses respond to consumer needs with accuracy. But agility is the key to seizing opportunities. “Big data and market knowledge tell us not just what consumers need, but when and where they need them. That’s why DBS and Klook worked quickly to launch our plan just three weeks after the pilot phase. We are as close and efficient as an actual team,” says Percy, reflecting on how rare it is to meet a business partner like DBS, who shared the same ideals and worked as efficiently.
Emily points out that data only offers a glimpse of the past. Changing the future requires experience and vision, as well as trust and support from top management to pave the way for quick decisions and smooth implementation.

They can’t wait to talk about where to travel next after the pandemic.
If there is anything Emily learnt from this eventful year, it is to be prepared, to pay attention and to stay inquisitive. That is the only way to understand what people truly need. “We are all ready for the day when we can finally travel again,” she says.
For Percy, trust was the key to efficient communication – and they trust each other 200%. After all, walking a mile in someone’s shoes is the only way to understand their perspective and discover shared beliefs. It is within everyone’s power to cheer each other up, even outside of work.