Putting the best
to work for you.

In life you’ve earned money, success, status. And the most important thing of all: freedom. To live more and to do more of what you want, when you want, wherever you want. At DBS, you'll have our best people doing and delivering what you and your family need to live more.


Seek opportunity with Asia’s Safest and Best.

With our AA- and Aa1 credit ratings, you can count on both the award-winning performance and the stability of Asia’s Safest Bank. Giving you a solid foundation to move on your goals with complete confidence.


A holistic banking experience.

From wealth planning to corporate banking to day-to-day banking, you’ll have a singular experience that unites our best minds, services and investments. Giving you solutions tailored to every aspect of your life.

Rooted in Asia.
Connecting you to the world.

Our network is your network. Build valuable personal and business connections across 19 markets. Forge new partnerships and create opportunities from Singapore to Asia and the world.


The solutions you want. The plan you need.

Your needs and objectives will change as you journey through life. At DBS, with our wealth planners and the Wealth Planning Advisory Framework to guide you, curate a wealth management plan unique to your needs and personal circumstances.

A family office for yours. Fuss free.

Every family is different. Let our experts customise a wealth plan to secure your family’s future, for generations to come. Just as we’re doing for 1 out of 3 family offices in Singapore.


Global insights, Asian expertise.

Make more informed decisions with curated investment ideas and market analysis from our Chief Investment Office (CIO). Paired with relevant, actionable insights from three global centres of expertise.

Investment advisory services personalised to you.

Based on your objectives and investment horizons, we will work closely with you through our investment advisory services to customise solutions for your unique needs.

Insights you can act on. Now.

Our insights are paired with relevant ideas and investments across asset classes and geographies, enabling you to act on trades in a timely manner.


Get intelligence at your fingertips.

Say goodbye to information overload with our award-winning DBS digibank wealth app. Monitor and manage your portfolio effortlessly, everywhere you go. And get timely alerts on favourable FX rates and price movements in your stocks.

Innovation today. Opportunities tomorrow.

Tap on new investment opportunities with privileged access to DBS Digital Exchange – Asia’s first fully integrated tokenisation, trading and custody ecosystem for digital assets.


Sustainable in all the ways that matter.

Net zero or net returns? We can help you achieve both. With an integrated approach to identify better ESG-rated investments. And an industry-leading Sustainable Financing Framework to ensure your businesses are ready for the future.

Make your mark on the world. Yet again.

You’ve achieved success in life. Your philanthropic goals deserve no less. Forge partnerships with DBS Foundation’s network of social enterprises to drive positive changes for generations and beyond.


Protect your legacy

Stay protected with a complete suite of Bancassurance plans including Life, Health and General Insurance. Plan your legacy with customised solutions.

Finance your properties

Enjoy competitive rates for financing residential and commercial properties in Singapore, Hong Kong, and residential properties in London, Australia.


Deep insights for sharper decisions

Besides customised insights and analysis from our award-winning research team, you'll also get trading ideas on Equities, Foreign Exchange and Funds from our Chief Investment Officer.


We move you forward with Asia's safest and best.

Gain access to personal investments, corporate banking, and award-winning digital connectivity to stay updated wherever you are.

For clients with investible assets as follows:

Gain the edge with insights, expertise and solutions.

Get expert advice, capitalise on wealth management solutions and personalised investment insights to seize opportunities in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indonesia.

For clients with investible assets as follows:

  • Singapore: SGD 1,500,000
  • Hong Kong: HKD 8,000,000
  • Taiwan: NTD 30,000,000
  • Indonesia: IDR 10,000,000,000

More like your investment co-pilot, less like a bank.

Get wealth intelligence - a seamless combination of human expertise and digital capabilities to help you navigate volatile markets. And the sophisticated solutions to meet your goals.

For clients in the markets as follows:

  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong
  • Taiwan
  • Indonesia
  • India
  • China

Our range of wealth solutions available differ for each market. Terms and conditions apply. Please contact us to find out more.