Home DBS Group Holdings Ltd Annual Report 2001

Performance At A Glance - DBSH Group

    2001 2000 1999

PROFIT AND LOSS (S$millions)
  Operating profit 1,672 1,685 1,964
  Net profit attributable to members 999 1,389 1,072
  Cash basis net profit attributable to members 1,131 1,389 1,072
BALANCE SHEET (S$millions)
  Total assets 151,294 111,208 106,465
  Customer loans 68,208 52,024 54,370
  Customer deposits 106,771 80,720 82,268
  Total shareholders?funds 13,529 10,495 10,876
  Earning (Basic) 0.78 1.13 0.97
  Cash Earning (Basic) 0.89 1.13 0.97
  Gross dividend 0.30 0.45 0.26
  Net tangible assets backing 5.38 8.14 8.42
  Return on average total shareholders?funds 8.90 12.89 10.35
  Cash return on average total shareholders?funds 10.07 12.89 10.35
  Operating expenses as % of net income 1 49.12 42.50 35.15
  Capital adequacy
  Tier I 12.20 14.40 15.70
  Total 17.40 18.90 19.20
  1 Excluding goodwill amortisation


Financial Highlights

(S$ millions)
Group Net Profit After Tax
• 2001: S$999.1 million (-28.1%)
2000: S$1,388.8 million
Group net profit decreased 28.1% to S$999.1 million largely due to higher loan provision. When measured on a cash basis, Group net profit decreased by 18.6% to S$1,130.5 million.
(S$ millions)
Group Net Interest Income And Non-Interest Income
• Net Interest Income
2001: S$2,256.8 million (+10.7%)
2000: S$2,039.4 million
• Non-Interest Income
2001: S$1,288.2 million (+44.5%)
2000: S$891.6 million
Net interest income increased by 10.7% to S$2,256.8 million largely due to the acquisition of Dao Heng Bank Group (DHG). Loan demand was weak and intense competition in the residential mortgage market reduced interest earned on mortgages.
The 44.5% increase in non-interest income was due to higher net gains on foreign exchange (S$110.8 million), securities and derivatives activities (S$71.1 million) and inclusion of profits from sales of shares in The Insurance Corporation of Singapore Ltd (S$120.1 million) and Keppel Capital Holdings (S$60.6 million).
(S$ millions)
Group Income Before Operating Expenses, Operating Expenses And Ratio of Operating Expenses To Income Before Operating Expenses
• Income Before Operating Expenses
2001: S$3,545.0 million (+20.9%)
2000: S$2,931.0 million
• Operating Expenses
2001: S$1,872.9 million (+50.4%)
2000: S$1,245.7 million
• Ratio of Operating Expenses to Income Before Operating Expenses*
2001: 49.1% (+6.6 percentage points)
2000: 42.5%
Operating expenses, excluding goodwill amortisation, increased 39.8% to S$1,741.5 million. The increase was mainly due to higher staff costs of S$120.8 million and the consolidation of DHG (S$218.4 million) and DBS Vickers Securities Holdings Pte Ltd (DBSV) (S$37.6 million). Technology-related expenses increased by S$47.6 million accounted for by the various business initiatives undertaken by the Group. Restructuring and integration costs of S$40.4 million were incurred for integrating the operations and processes of DHG (S$18.7 million), DBS Kwong On Bank (S$4.9 million) and DBSV (S$16.8 million).
* Excluding goodwill amortisation
(S$ billions)
Group Total Shareholders?Funds And Return On Average Total Shareholders?Funds (ROE)
• Total Shareholders?Funds
2001: S$13.5 billion (+28.9%)
2000: S$10.5 billion
2001: 8.90% (- 3.99 percentage points)
2000: 12.89%
On a cash basis, ROE would be 10.07% for Year 2001.
(S$ billions)
Group Total Assets And Return On Average Total Assets (ROA)
• Total Assets
2001: S$151.3 billion (+36.0%)
2000: S$111.2 billion
2001: 0.76% (-0.52 percentage points)
2000: 1.28%
The consolidation of DHG contributed to the increase in total assets.
On a cash basis, ROA would be 0.86% for Year 2001.
(S$ billions)
Capital Adequacy Ratio
• Total (Tier I & II)
2001: 17.4%
2000: 18.9%
• Tier I
2001: 12.2%
2000: 14.4%
Total CAR, measured according to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) guidelines was 17.4%, which is more than twice the minimum BIS requirement of 8.0%.


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Performance At A Glance
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