Approach to Risk Management
DBS embraces risk management as a core discipline to uphold
the integrity of our business practices and ensure the safety
and soundness of our operating environment. We consider having
world-class skills in monitoring, interpreting and forecasting our
risk profile a critical internal capability. Our approach to risk
management has several components: comprehensive risk
management processes, early identification systems, accurate risk
measures, investments in people and technology to interpret and
manage risk on a daily basis, stress tests and comprehensive process
reviews in conjunction with internal auditors, external auditors and
regulatory officials.
Risk Governance
Although business units have primary responsibility for managing
specific risk exposures, Group Risk Management is the central
resource for quantifying and managing the portfolio of risks taken
by the Group as a whole. Group Risk Management performs the
following roles:
• Develops, implements, maintains, improves and communicates
a consistent risk management framework
• Reviews risk limits and risk concentrations
• Develops framework for economic capital
• Helps identify opportunities to optimise risk-based return
on capital
DBS Group has implemented policies and procedures to identify,
measure, analyse and control risk across the firm. These policies
and procedures rely on constant communication, judgement,
knowledge of products and markets, and controls by business
and support units.
To assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its duties, the Board
Risk Management Committee oversees matters relating to the management of risk. Management is accountable to the Board for
maintaining an effective control environment that reflects Established
risk appetite and business objectives. Four senior management risk
committees provide forums for discussion on specific risk areas:
the Risk Management Committee, the Credit Committee, the
Group Asset and Liability Committee and the Operational Risk
Management Committee.
Credit Risk
Credit risk is the potential earnings volatility caused by obligors’
inability and/or unwillingness to fulfil their contractual debt
obligations. Exposure to credit risks arises primarily from lending
activities and also from sales and trading activities, derivatives
activities and from participation in payment transactions and
securities settlements. Credit exposure includes current as well as
potential credit exposure. Current credit exposure is represented
by the notional value or principal amount of on-balance sheet
financial instruments and off-balance sheet direct credit
substitutes, and by the positive market value of derivative
instruments. DBS Group also estimates the potential credit
exposure over the remaining term of transactions. At DBS
Group, a disciplined credit risk management process
integrates risk management into the business management
processes, while preserving the independence and integrity
of risk assessment.
An enterprise-wide Core Credit Risk Policy that governs the
extension of credit throughout the organisation, has been
implemented. The Policy, based on best practice standards,
sets forth the principles by which the Bank and its subsidiaries
conduct their credit risk management activities. It ensures
credit risk underwriting consistency across the Group, and
provides guidance to various credit management units in
the formulation of supplementary credit policies specific to
their businesses.
Individual corporate credit risks are analysed and approved
by experienced credit officers who consider a number of
factors in the identification and assessment of credit risk. Each
borrower is assigned a rating under the Counterparty Risk Rating
process. For large corporate borrowers, the rating is based on the
assessment of all relevant factors including the borrower’s financial
condition and outlook, industry and economic conditions, market
position, access to capital, and management strength. The
Counterparty Risk Rating assigned to smaller business borrowers
is primarily based on the borrower’s financial position and
strength, which are assessed via the use of a validated
quantitative tool. All ratings are reviewed at least annually
and more frequently when conditions warrant. The Counterparty
Risk Rating process is further enhanced by the Facility Risk Rating
System which takes into consideration facility specific considerations
such as credit structuring, collateral, third party guarantees and
transfer risks. These credit risk-rating tools are used to assess
the credit quality of the portfolio, so that deteriorating exposures
are quickly identified and appropriate remedial action can
be taken.
Consumer credit risk is managed on a portfolio basis. Business-specific
credit risk policies and procedures including underwriting
criteria, scoring models, approving authorities, regular asset quality
review and business strategy review as well as systems, processes
and techniques to monitor portfolio performance against
benchmarks are in place.
The credit control functions ensure that credit risks are being taken
and maintained in compliance with group-wide credit policies and
guidelines. These functions ensure proper activation of approved
limits, appropriate endorsement of excesses and policy exceptions,
and also monitor compliance with guidelines established by
management and regulators.
An independent Risk Review team conducts regular reviews of credit
exposures and processes. These reviews provide senior Management
with objective and timely assessments of the effectiveness of credit
risk practices and ensure group-wide policies and guidelines are
being adopted consistently across different business units including
relevant subsidiaries.
In the past few years, various "shocks" in the financial market had
adversely impacted the creditworthiness of borrowers. As a result,
stress testing of credit risk has assumed increasing importance in the
discipline of credit risk management. DBS uses a combination of“top-down” and "bottom-up" credit risk stress testing approaches
to assess the vulnerability of the portfolio to "exceptional but
plausible" adverse credit risk events.
DBS has developed an Economic Capital-at-Risk framework for
the measurement and management of credit concentration risk to
individual borrowers, borrower groups and industry sectors. The
Economic Capital-at-Risk framework also provides the basis for
economic capital attribution, and hence is a key component in
risk-adjusted performance measurement.
Information on credit exposures by geographical area, business line
and industrial classification, and the breakdown of investment and
dealing securities are disclosed in Notes 23, 24, 25, 27 and 40.1
to the Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and
Analysis chapter.
Country Risk
The management of cross-border risk is embedded in a Country
Risk Management Framework, which was approved at the Board
level. The framework includes an internal country risk rating system
which taps into the expertise of the Bank within the markets it
operates, and where the country assessments are made independent
of business decisions. Benchmark country limits are set to delineate
when exposures approach levels that may imply concentration risk.
Day-to-day operational country limits, called working limits, are
also imposed to manage the shape and growth of the cross-border
exposures as they build up. A rigorous environment scanning
process is in place, with proactive action as warranted to expand
or roll back country exposures.
Trading Market Risk
Trading market risk arises from changes in market rates such as
interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices and credit
spreads, as well as in their correlation and implied volatilities. DBS
Group takes trading market risk in the course of market making,
structuring and packaging products for investors and issuers, as
well as to benefit from market opportunities.
The trading market risk framework comprises the following
• Limits to ensure that risk-takers do not exceed aggregate risk
and concentration parameters set by senior management and
the Board
• Independent validation of valuation and risk models and
• Independent mark-to-market valuation, reconciliation of
positions and tracking of stop-loss for trading positions on a
timely basis
• New product/service process whereby risk issues are identified
before new products and services are launched
DBS adopts a Daily-Earnings-at-Risk (DEaR) methodology to
estimate the Group’s trading market risk with a 99% level of
confidence. DEaR is computed using a combination of parametric
(variance-covariance) and historical simulation approaches. It takes
into account all pertinent risk factors and covers all financial
instruments which expose the Group to market risk across all
geographies. On a daily basis, DBS computes DEaR for each trading
business unit and for each risk type such as foreign exchange,
interest rate or equity which are then rolled up to the Group level.
The DEaR figures are backtested against profit and loss of the
trading book to validate its robustness.
The table below provides the year-end, average, high and low DEaR for the trading risk exposure of DBS Group during the year. |