At DBS, we are committed to putting the customer at the heart of the banking experience. That includes making banking interactive and intuitive. DBS’ flagship branch at our headquarters in Marina Bay Financial Centre was designed with the customer in mind. In the past year, we also continued to enhance our mobile apps and wealth website so that customers can bank easily with us while they are on the move, or in the comfort of their own homes.
Excerpt from “For the Service Edge, Think Like A Designer” published in TODAY newspaper on 19 February 2014;
“From entering its pod-like lobby at the Marina Bay Financial Centre, which looked like a cross between a five-star-hotel reception and a spaceship, I was mesmerised. Could this really be a bank?”
“How often, particularly in a business-to-business context, and in a bank for that matter, do you walk away thinking and feeling that you have had a beyond-great customer experience? That’s service innovation – across every conceivable touchpoint and customer interaction, down to the smallest detail.”
– Natalie Turner,
Founder and CEO of The Entheo Network,
a leadership innovation consultancy
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