The DBS Sustainable Sourcing Principles (“SSP”) sets out the foundational principles and standards of conduct that all Suppliers and Partners engaging with DBS must adhere to as part of our contractual terms. They are essential to our business operations, guiding our interactions with customers, business associates, stakeholders and within our organisation. The SSP aims to promote consistent standards of behaviour and drive commitment to ethical and sustainable practices throughout our supply chain, reflecting our core values and guiding our collective efforts towards positive impact.
Our SSP applies to our Suppliers worldwide. Suppliers are encouraged to share DBS' Sustainable Sourcing Principles with their next-tier suppliers and business partners for better alignment with our commitment to responsible practices across the entire supply chain.
1.1) DBS’ Suppliers are to work to support and respect the protection of human rights in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and to ensure they are not complicit, directly or indirectly, in any human rights abuses, including, without limitation, modern slavery such as human trafficking and forced labour. 1.2) Child labour shall not be used. Where there is no gazetted legislative age, the minimum age shall be 16 years. Workers aged 18 or below shall not be employed to work at night or in hazardous conditions. 1.3) DBS’ Suppliers are to prohibit the application of any form of inhumane treatment. Physical abuse, or the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other forms of harassment including verbal abuse and intimidation shall be strictly prohibited. 1.4) DBS’ Suppliers are to recognise and respect the rights of its employees to associate freely and to organise and bargain collectively, in accordance with the local laws in which they are employed. 1.5) DBS’ Suppliers are encouraged to promote diversity and inclusion. There shall not be any discrimination based on race, faith, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability or political affiliations.1.6) DBS’ Suppliers are to uphold fair and equitable wage practices for their employees, in accordance with the local laws and regulations under which they are employed.1.7) DBS’ Suppliers are encouraged to responsibly source for their materials and services by taking into account the social, economic, and environmental well-being of local communities.1.8) DBS’ Suppliers are to take appropriate measures to address actual or potential adverse human rights impacts resulting from their products or services.
Asia’s Safest Bank, 2009 – 2024, Global Finance
Best Bank in the World 2022, Global Finance
World's Best Bank 2021, Euromoney
Best Bank in the World 2020, Global Finance
World's Best Bank 2019, Euromoney
Global Bank of the Year 2018, The Banker