
DBS Sustainability Sparks invites players to put on their detective hats! The mission is to investigate environmentally unfriendly practices hidden in common everyday situations.

To win, teams must collaborate and compete to correctly identify the most unsustainable habits. By uncovering clues, students also learn to connect the dots between individual choices and how these can have an effect across the value chain. For example, they learn that seemingly small actions like discarding edible ‘ugly foods’ or not finishing the food on their plates, can add up to significant environmental impact – namely if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world[1].

Teams receive tokens, or Sparks, that they can use to ask questions to aid their investigation. At the end of the game, they submit their findings to the game officials. Players are also encouraged to pledge to make small changes to be more sustainable. 
The team that correctly uncovers the most clues, wins!


[1]  United Nations Environment Programme Food Waste Index Report 2021.

Introduction to the Game
Sustainability Pledges