DBS Foundation Grant Form 2024

Before you begin this form, here are some important information and tips to know:

  • Be sure to read the eligibility and evaluation criteria.
  • Only one application will be accepted per entity.
  • If multiple applications are submitted for the same entity, only the most recent submission will be considered before the closing date.
  • Organise your responses offline and save a separate working copy for your own record before loading answers to the form online.
  • Set aside uninterrupted time of 30 minutes to complete.
  • Only online submission will be taken as final. Submission via other means will not be considered.
  • For best user experience, please use a laptop or a desktop instead of a mobile phone.

Important materials to have in hand:

  • Company pitch deck
  • Latest financial statements (latest 2 years)
  • Videos
  • Letter of recommendation (optional)

DBSF Grant Form General 2024

Version 1.07

1. About your company

Indicate business name in English as per official registration document
Optional field to indicate local language business name as per official registration
Company registration number as per official registration document
Choose an Option
Choose an Option
Choose an Option

Company website, social media sites (FB, IG, LI, WeChat)

Introduction Videos 

Videos will help us to understand what you are doing better. You may submit video links about your business, products or give a one-minute introduction about yourself and why you are applying for the grant.

Accreditation, awards and recognition  

Include any significant awards, recognitions, along with the year awarded.

2. About your business

Elevator pitch of your business 

  1. What is the purpose of your business? 
  1. What is the unique value proposition of your business?  
  1. What is your business model (please include revenue drivers, customer segment, cost structure, channels)?   
  1. How is it differentiated from others? What is the market size and who are your competitors? 
Max characters (including spaces: 2,500)
Choose an Option

Financial data for the most recent two years

Annual Financial Statement 1

Choose an Option
Choose an Option
Refers to the money a company generates from its primary business activities and does not include grant funds and other income.

Annual Financial Statement 2

Choose an Option
Choose an Option
Refers to the money a company generates from its primary business activities and does not include grant funds and other income.
Please input 0 if your business has already reached break-even
Max characters (including spaces: 1,000)
Examples include prize monies, grants, VC investments, philanthropic donations, working capital loans, etc. 

Who are your core team members? 

  1. Briefly describe the industry, business and impact-related experience, skill sets, and network of the management team and any advisors. 
  1. What’s your company size (headcount) 
Max characters (including spaces: 1,500)

LinkedIn profile URLs

3. About your impact

What is the critical social issue you are trying to solve?  

What is your motivation for creating this impact solution? 

Max characters (including spaces:1,000)

What is your theory of change? 

  1. How will your business address the social problem?  
  1. As your business scales up, how will you also create long term impact in beneficiaries’ lives? 
  1. How do you track and monitor the impact outcomes? 
Max characters (including spaces: 2,000)

4. Business plans and proposal for the use of grant

Describe your business plans

Provide a clear understanding of your business plans and priorities in the coming 2 years

Max characters (including spaces:1,500)
Up to SGD 250,000

Details of grant usage

  1. How will the grant be used to scale your business and impact? How does this support the above plans?
  2. Please provide a detailed breakdown of how the grant funding will be used.
Max characters (including spaces: 2,000)

5. Other information

e.g. founder, chief operating officer, etc.
Country Code (e.g +65)

6. Documents

When uploading all documents:

1. Strictly adhere to the file size limit
2. Keep the file name short and do not include any special characters

You may download the pitch deck template as a guide for preparing your presentation. Only PDF format smaller than 4 MB in size is accepted.

You may download the letter of recommendation template as a guide. Only PDF format smaller than 1 MB in size is accepted.



  • declare that all the facts stated in this form and the accompanying information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and that we have not withheld/distorted any material facts.
  • declare that I/we do not have any political or religious agenda and/or affiliations.
  • represent, warrant and undertake that our submission of the proposal set out herein is compliant to applicable laws and will not result in a breach of any agreement(s) with any third party and/or infringe any third party’s right(s).
  • understand that if we obtain funding by false/misleading statements/partial disclosure not in line with the funding intent, DBS Foundation reserves the right to immediately withdraw the grant and recover from our organisation any amount of the funding the full amount of funds that DBS Foundation may have disbursed to us.
  • am/are willing to provide any additional supporting documentation and/or evidence that may be required to verify the information provided above herein.
  • understand that this is an application to be assessed for possible funding by DBS Foundation and I/We consent to the use and processing of information provided herein for said purpose, including but not limited to sharing of such information within DBS Foundation and/or DBS Bank Ltd. Some of the information provided in the document could be sensitive and shall remain confidential unless I/we agree to its release.
  • agree that DBS Foundation retains full discretion in deciding which organisation or project it wishes to award grant toward and its reasons for doing so.

By submitting this form and subsequent related articles, pictures and/or videos to DBS Foundation, I/we hereby give consent to DBS Foundation for the purpose of collection, use and disclosure of the Applicant’s personal data for the Grant application.

Additional Declaration for entities incorporated in India ONLY

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)