Live More with Fashionistas through the Generations feature story

Friendship across generations, meet Nancy Kwek and Rohana.

Meet Madam Singapore 2022, Nancy Kwek (74), and her very close friend Ms Rohana (45).

“I don’t see her as a 74-year-old, but more as a very good friend. I have been asked by many about why my friends are a lot older. But to me, age is just a number, and it is the relationship that matters. She has taught me a lot of values as well, which I appreciate,” explains Ms Rohana.

Both are active volunteers and often participate in fashion related courses together. Their friendship grew when they participated in the World Madam beauty pageant and have been inseparable friends ever since.

Mdm Nancy shares, “we are very close. Wherever we go, we go together. We also have the same interests. Even if you are old, you should have a younger mindset and be young at heart.”

Together, Mdm Nancy and Ms Rohana took the stage during the intergenerational fashion runway at the DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre. They were joined by the golden girls from Sree Narayana Mission, who were mostly above the age of 60. For some of them, this was their very first time at the Marina Bay, and it was an unforgettable experience indeed.

Being all dressed up professionally and having walked down the runway, some of the models felt a sense of empowerment as they took the opportunity to challenge age stereotypes and prove that beauty and confidence has no age limits.

The fashion show marked the beginning of our programme series “Perspectives @ Esplanade”, an ongoing effort to enliven the Marina Bay area and give back to the community.

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