Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Nishchit Aayush Plan

At a Glance

Your Goals are the key drivers of why you work hard in life. Be it supporting Your child’s education, taking care of Your dependent parents, maintaining Your lifestyle, you strive hard to accomplish all these goals. These expenses must happen; hence, a regular stream of income is essential for peace of mind. However, the demands of everyday life or an eventuality may derail you from the path of Your goals. To be able to meet these responsibilities, you need a reliable product that provides life insurance coverage, a guaranteed stream of income and lump sum benefits to safeguard Your family from any setback. Introducing the ABSLI Nishchit Aayush Plan, a non-linked non-participating individual savings life insurance plan that provides life insurance cover with guaranteed regular income and lumpsum benefits, empowering you to fulfill Your goals and financially secure Your family even in Your absence.

Key Features

  1. Choice of Benefit Option - Long Term Income or Whole Life Income
  2. Choice of Income Variant - Level or Increasing Income
  3. Guaranteed* Income from the start of the 1st policyyear till end of policy term
  4. Flexibility - To build your own plan with choice of income benefit, income variant, premium payment term, policy term and deferment period
  5. Get Assured Protection - Protection with life cover across policy term

* The guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid.

Key Benefits

Death Benefit

In the unfortunate event of Death of the Life Insured anytime during the Policy Term, provided the policy is in-force, Death Benefit shall be payable as a lump-sum to the nominee.

Death Benefit

is defined as higher of:

  1. a) Sum Assured on Death
    b) Surrender Benefit

‘Sum Assured on Death’ is higher of
Sum Assured
105% of Total Premiums Paid till date of death
Sum Assured is a multiple of the Annualized Premium.

The Policyholder can choose one of the following Sum Assured Multiples at policy inception-

 - 7 times of Annualized Premium

 - 10 times of Annualized Premium Survival Benefit 
On Survival of life insured, provided all due premiums have been paid, Survival Benefit in the form of Guaranteed Income will be paid at the end of each year starting from the first policy year (if ‘0 Year’ deferment is chosen) until Policy Maturity.

Maturity Benefit

On survival of life insured till the end of policy term, Guaranteed Lump sum Benefit (GLB) is payable. Guaranteed Lump sum Benefit is equal to Total Premiums Paid by You multiplied by the applicable Lump sum Factor. The lump sum Factor varies by Benefit Option, Income Variant, Premium Payment Term, and Policy Term

Product Specifications

Product Specifications

Type of Plan

A Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Savings Life Insurance Plan


All Individuals (Male | Female | Transgender)

Age of the Life Insured at Entry (age as on last birthday)


Long Term Income: 30 days*

Whole Life Income: 30 years

* In case the Life Insured is a minor, the Policy will automatically vest once the life insured attains the age of majority. The risk coverage for the minors will start from the Date of Commencement of Risk.


55 years

Maturity Age of the Life Insured (age as on last birthday)


18 years


Long Term Income: 85 years (age last birthday)

Whole Life Income: 100 years (age last birthday)

Premium Payment Term (PPT) & Policy Term (PT)

Other than Income Only Benefit

Premium Payment Term (Years)

Policy Term (Years)

Long Term Income

Whole Life Income

6 Pay







100 (–) Age at Entry

8 Pay







10 Pay







12 Pay








Income only benefit

Premium Payment Term (Years)

Policy Term (Years)

Long Term Income

Whole Life Income

6 Pay





100 – Age at Entry

8 Pay





10 Pay





12 Pay





Premium Payment Modes and Modal Factors

 Annual | Semi-Annual | Quarterly | Monthly







Modal Factors





Minimum Annualized Premium

Income Only Benefit

-          Upto Age 45 years: Rs. 50,000

-          Age 46 years and above: Rs. 1,00,00


Other than Income Only Benefit

-          Rs. 30,000


Maximum Annualized Premium

No Limit (subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy)

Minimum Sum Assured

Rs. 2,10,000

Maximum Sum Assured

Subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy

Premium bands

The benefits under this product vary by premium bands as mentioned below:


Premium Bands

Band 1

Band 2

Band 3

Band 4

Band 5

Band 6

Band 7

Annualized Premium (Rs.)

30,000 to 49,999

50,000 to

1,00,000 to 1,99,999

2,00,000 to 2,99,999

3,00,000 to 4,99,999

500,000 to 24,99,999




Benefit Options

ABSLI Nishchit Aayush Plan provides you the flexibility to customize Your regular income requirements as per Your goals,


Step 1: Choose Your Benefit Option

-          Long Term Income or,

-          Whole Life Income


Step 2: Choose the Income Variant

-          Level Income with Lumpsum Benefit or,

-          Level Income with Enhanced Lumpsum Benefit or,

-          Increasing Income (@5% simple interest rate every 5 years) with Lumpsum Benefit

-          Level Income with Return of Premium Benefit

-          Income Only Benefit


Step 3: Choose to receive income immediately or after a deferment period of 1 year as per the chosen income payout frequency.


Benefit options chosen at inception cannot be changed thereafter. Premium will vary depending upon the Option chosen at inception.


Benefit Payout Frequency

You can choose to receive income benefit in Annually in Advance, Annually in Arrears or Semi-Annual or Quarterly or Monthly frequency.

The income is payable at the start of the year in case of annually in advance frequency and at the end of the year or half-year or quarter or month, as the case may be, for the rest of the frequencies.


Annually in Advance payout frequency is only available in "Annual" premium payment mode.

ABC Customer Benefit

For customers of Aditya Birla Capital (ABC) entities, an option to choose between a premium discount option and an income enhancement option shall be available based on objective criteria.


Under the premium discount option, a discount of 12% shall be offered on the first-year premium.


Under the income enhancement option, the Income Benefit of the policyholder will be enhanced by an Income Enhancement Factor.

POS Boundary Conditions

POS Boundary Conditions

Age of the Life Insured at Entry (age as on last birthday)


30 days*

* In case the Life Insured is a minor, the Policy will automatically vest once the life insured attains the age of majority. The risk coverage for the minors will start from the Date of Commencement of Risk.


50 years

Maturity Age of the Life Insured (age as on last birthday)


18 years


65 years (age last birthday)

Premium Payment Term (PPT) & Policy Term (PT)


Premium Payment Term (Years)

Policy Term (Years)

Long Term Income

6 Pay



8 Pay



10 Pay



12 Pay





Premium Payment Modes and Modal Factors

 Annual | Semi-Annual | Quarterly | Monthly







Modal Factors





Minimum Annualized Premium


Rs. 30,000


Maximum Annualized Premium

No Limit (subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy)

Minimum Sum Assured

Rs. 2,10,000

Maximum Sum Assured

Rs. 25,00,000

Premium bands

The benefits under this product vary by premium bands as mentioned below:


Premium Bands

Band 1

Band 2

Band 3

Band 4

Band 5

Annualized Premium (Rs.)

30,000 to 49,999

50,000 to

1,00,000 to 1,99,999

2,00,000 to 2,99,999

3,00,000 to 4,99,999



Benefit Options

ABSLI Nishchit Aayush Plan provides you the flexibility to customize Your regular income requirements as per Your goals,


Step 1: Benefit Option - Long Term Income


Step 2: Choose the Income Variant

-          Level Income with Lumpsum Benefit or,

-          Level Income with Enhanced Lumpsum Benefit or,

-          Increasing Income (@5% simple interest rate every 5 years) with Lumpsum Benefit

-          Level Income with Return of Premium Benefit


Step 3: Choose to receive income immediately or after a deferment period of 1 year as per the chosen income payout frequency.


Benefit options chosen at inception cannot be changed thereafter. Premium will vary depending upon the Option chosen at inception.


Benefit Payout Frequency

You can choose to receive income benefit in Annually in Advance, Annually in Arrears or Semi-Annual or Quarterly or Monthly frequency.

Income benefit frequency for Annually in Advance must be chosen at inception. Annually in Advance payout frequency is only available in "Annual" premium payment mode.


Annually in Advance payout frequency is only available in "Annual" premium payment mode.


DBS Bank India Limited (IRDA of India Registration Number: CA 0257) having the registered office at GF: Nos. 11 & 12, Capitol Point BKS Marg, Connaught Place, Delhi - 110001 is the Corporate Agent of Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited. DBS Bank India Limited (Bank) does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. The Insurance product is underwritten by Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited. The contract of insurance is between the insurer and the insured and not between the Bank and the insured. Bank does not give any warranty, as to the accuracy and completeness of the policies. Bank does not accept any liability or losses attributable to your contract of Insurance. Participation by the Bank’s customers in the insurance products is purely on a voluntary basis and is not linked to availment of any other facility from the bank. 

“The Trade Logo “Aditya Birla Capital” Displayed Above Is Owned By ADITYA BIRLA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION PRIVATE LIMITED (Trademark Owner) And Used By ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (ABSLI) under the License.”

This is Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Savings Life Insurance Plan. This policy is underwritten by Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited (ABSLI). GST and any other applicable taxes will be added (extra) to Your premium and levied as per extant tax laws. An extra premium may be charged as per our then existing underwriting guidelines for substandard lives, smokers or people having hazardous occupations etc. Nishchit Aayush Plan (UIN: 109N137V11 ) shall also be available for sales through online channel. Tax benefits may be available as per prevailing tax laws. For more details and clarification call Your ABSLI Insurance Advisor or visit our website and see how we can help in making Your dreams come true. All policy benefits are subject to policy being in force. “We”, “Us”, “Our” or “the Company” or “ABSLI” means Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited. “You/you” or “Your/your” means the Policyholder. Policyholder and Life Insured can be different under this product. In all situations, it is ensured that the Policyholder has an insurable interest in the Life Insured. For other terms and conditions, request your Agent Advisor or intermediaries for giving a detailed presentation of the product before concluding the sale. Should you need any further information from us, please contact us on the below mentioned address and numbers. For more details on risk factor terms and conditions, please read sales brochure before concluding the sale.  

Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited Registered Office: One World Centre, Tower 1, 16th Floor, Jupiter Mill Compound, 841, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai - 400 013. 1-800-270-7000 Website: IRDAI Reg No.109 CIN: U99999MH2000PLC128110 UIN: 109N137V11  ADV/12/24-25/2431

BEWARE OF SPURIOUS / FRAUD PHONE CALLS ! IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint


How to Apply

Apply now for Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Nishchit Aayush Plan
Locate us Visit us at your nearest DBS branch
Call 1860 267 1234 / 1800 209 4555 / +91 44 6685 4555