Redressal of complaints and grievances

Redressal of complaints and grievances

At DBS Bank India Limited (DBIL), we want to make sure that you get only the best of service from us, service which you, our valued customer, deserve.

DBS Bank India Limited (DBIL or “the Bank” or “Bank” called hereinafter) is a Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) of DBS Bank Ltd (DBL). headquartered in Singapore. As a matter of sharing best practices, DBIL will draw on experience and expertise of DBL when dealing with complex, long tenor, large or important transactions to ensure that the minimum acceptance criteria of the DBS Group (“Group” or “the Group” called hereinafter) are met. Further DBIL will reckon or consider certain policies and standards prescribed by DBL and adopt to Indian regulations to ensure that the operations meet the minimum acceptance criteria of the group.

The Bank shall not only ensure that all complaints received are recorded, acknowledged and resolved, but shall also ensure effective monitoring / escalation mechanism to ensure the customer complaints are resolved in a proper and time bound manner with detailed advice to the customer.

The Customer Grievance Redressal Policy outlines the framework for addressing the customer grievances. The Bank shall ensure that the policy is made available in public domain (website and branches).

The Bank’s Grievance Redressal policy follows the following principles:

  • Customers are treated fairly at all times.
  • Complaints raised by customers are dealt with courtesy and in a timely manner.
  • Customers are informed of avenues to escalate their complaints within the organization, and their rights if they are not satisfied with the resolution of their complaints.
  • The Bank employees work in good faith and without prejudice, towards the interests of the customers.

Applicability / Coverage:

This policy is applicable to all customers of the bank.


If, at any stage, you feel that our service levels are not up to your expectations, here is what you can do:

The Bank provides multiple channels to the customer to register their complaints / share their feedback. The customer may choose the following channels to share their feedback or send in their complaints to be suitably addressed.

Customers who wish to provide feedback or send in their complaint may use the following Channels available with the Bank:

Customer Care

Banking Related, other than Credit Cards: Contact our 24-hour customer service helpline number 1860 210 3456 / 1860 267 1234 or our overseas customer service number 91-44-66854555.

For queries relating to the Retail Banking service of the erstwhile Lakshmi Vilas Bank (eLVB) - Contact our 24-hour customer service helpline number 1860 267 4567 or our overseas customer service number +91-44-66854555.

Credit Cards and related products : Contact our 24-hour credit card service helpline number 1860 267 6789 or our overseas customer service number +91-44-69046789 for Bajaj Finserv DBS Bank SuperCard and DBS Spark Credit card.  DBS Vantage credit card holders to call dedicated customer service number 1800 209 4555 or our overseas customer service number +91-44-66854555.


Business Care

Corporate customers may contact business care on 1800 103 6500 / 1800 419 9500 / +91 44 66328000 (Overseas Number). Business Care operates Monday to Friday, 10.00 AM to 7.00 PM (excluding Public Holidays).

E-mail: DBS India Corporate Customers can email us by writing to us at [email protected]


Please write to your relevant Branch Customer Service Managers, giving details of your issues / concerns. Please visit eLVB branch details.

Demat Services

Customer Facilitation Center for RTGS / NEFT –

DBIL customers can call or email:

  • Contact number: 022-68330934. Operation of payment recall desk for NEFT and RTGS is from Monday to Friday, 10.00 AM to 7.00 PM (excluding Public Holidays)
  • E-mail: Customers can email at [email protected] 

More details available at RTGS / NEFT Customer Facilitation Centre.

We shall respond to your complaint within 3 working days.

Escalation Levels

Level 1 - City Heads / Branch Managers

In case our Customer Service Managers fails to contact you within 3 working days, or if you are not satisfied with the response, please write to the City Business Head/ Cluster Head / Branch Head explaining the details of the concern. You will receive a response within a period of 5 working days of the City Business Head / Branch Head / Regional Nodal Officers receiving the complaint.

Customers are required to quote the complaint reference number provided to them in their earlier interaction with the Bank, to help us understand and address their concerns.

Level 2 - Principal Nodal Officer

If the customer continues to be not satisfied with the resolution provided, the customer may write to the Bank’s Principal Nodal Officer and the Bank shall respond to the customer’s complaint within 7 working days of the Bank’s Principal Nodal Officer receiving the complaint.

Anita Dixit
Principal Nodal Officer
DBS Bank India Limited,
The Ruby Towers,
6th Floor,
Senapati Bapat Marg,
Dadar (W)
Mumbai – 400 028
Tel – +91 22 6614 7578

digibank / Treasures Customers (other than Credit Cards) can email at [email protected]
Corporate customers can email at [email protected]
Credit card customers can email at [email protected]

Please click here for contact details of our Senior Management.

Grievance Redressal & Escalations for Demat Services

Click here to view

Timelines for Complaint Resolution

Suitable timelines have been set for every step depending upon the investigations / related regulation which would be involved in resolving the same. Once the complaint is examined, the Bank will be sending a final response to the customer or an intimation seeking more time to investigate the same.

Certain queries where there are dependencies on external parties for a resolution warrant a higher Turn Around Time (TAT) towards resolution. Mentioned below are an indicative example of requests / complaints.

  1. CCTV footage retrieval from Acquirer Banks
  2. Disputed POS /ePOS transaction – Request raised to acquirer through network/ third party aggregators.
  3. Disputed Mvisa transactions can take 45 calendar days
  4. Grievances related to Technology
  5. Complaints related to fraudulent transactions
  6. Cases involving 3rd party (other Banks/ merchants/ service providers)

Grievance redressal mechanism of the Bank shall also be available for resolving issues related to insurance products’ distribution and the Bank shall ensure that the same is resolved in 14 working days from receipt of the complaint at each level


In case the Bank is liable to pay any compensation, the same would be paid to the complainant as per the provisions of the Compensation Policy of the Bank.

To know more visit.

Timelines for logging in Credit Card complaints.

Any complaint related to credit cards has to be logged in within 60 days of the transaction date or less / more as applicable to the type of transactions been disputed. The bank will ensure that these complaints received after 60 days will be worked on best effort basis.

Customer Service Committees of the Bank

  1. Branch Level Customer Service Meetings
    The Branch Level Customer Service Meetings are conducted every month at the branches. This forum is specially designed for customers to share their customer feedback / suggestion to improve the services provided at our branch. Senior Citizens customers of the branch are also invited to these forums and encouraged to share their views on branch service. To know more customers can contact their nearest branch.
  2. Standing Committee on Customer Service
    The committee shall meet every quarter , to review the use of grievance redressal initiatives like access through toll free numbers, help-line, emails, online complaints etc, to review the number of complaints received and redressed during the quarter, to analyse and discuss the feedback received in the Branch Level Customer Committee meetings. This committee is chaired by the Head of Consumer Banking.

    Monitoring and Review:

    The analysis of customer complaints shall include
    • Types of customer complaints
    • Turnaround Times of complaints resolution
    • Top reasons/ areas of complaints
    • Root cause analysis.

    The committee also ensures that DBS Bank India Limited is compliant with all RBI regulations with regards to customer service and complaints.
  3. Customer Service Committee of the Board (CSCB)
    The CSCB shall review the various customer service initiates implemented by the bank from time to time and discuss on new initiatives to enhance the customer experience. CSCB will overlook the implementation of customer service guidelines issued by the regulatory bodies from time to time and suggest changes to existing processes and polices to improve overall service levels. CSCB will also review the functioning of the Standing Committee on Customer Service and oversee the effectiveness of the grievance redressal mechanism of the Bank.

Internal Ombudsman of the Bank

In case(s) where the Bank decides to reject or provide a partial relief, the complaints will be referred to the Bank’s Internal Ombudsman for further examination in line with the instructions from the Reserve Bank of India. Complaints may be rejected wholly or partially under the following,

  • if it is found that it is as per the terms and conditions of the products & services and/or
  • due intimation has been given to the customer and/or
  • it is as per the policies and processes laid down by the bank and/or
  • as per guidelines received from RBI or any other regulatory body from time to time.

Please also note that the Internal ombudsman of the Bank shall examine the complaints that have already been validated by the bank’s internal grievance redressal mechanism and have remained partly or wholly un-redressed; except the following, as captured in the Circular on Internal Ombudsman Scheme 2018, Chapter III, clause 8:

  1. Complaints related to frauds, misappropriations, etc. except in respect of deficiency of service, if any, on the part of the bank
  2. a) Internal Administration, b) Human Resources, c) pay and emoluments of staff
  3. References in the nature of suggestions, requests for concessions in rate of interest charged, rejection of loan proposal, modifications in sanction terms and conditions, enhancement in credit limit, waiver / write off of loans, etc., which are primarily in the nature of commercial decisions.
  4. Complaints which have been decided by or are already pending in other fora such as Consumer fora, Courts, Debt Recovery Tribunals, etc.  

The grievance redressal policy will be revised from time to time when there are any new changes incorporated by the Bank in handling complaints / grievances. It will also be revised in the event of any new regulations, revisions / amendments released by regulator (RBI / IBA etc).

Complaint Analysis

Complaint Analysis 2023 – 2024