Policy chaos and growth fears triggered US selloff. Trump 2.0 has been a game-changer. All expectations of a continuation of “US exceptionalism” post-Trump’s election victory are now thrown off-course as the chaos of the new administration introduced acute financial and stagflation risks to the system. From the flip-flops on tariffs to the Transatlantic Alliance breakdown as the US dialed back on postwar American foreign policies and ceased being the “primary guarantor” for Europe’s security – these signal that the age of disruption has arrived, and market movements are clearly reflecting this paradigm shift.
Adding on to the proverbial wall of worries is the revival of growth fears as policy uncertainties hit an all-time high and weigh on both business and consumer confidence. ISM Manufacturing has fallen to 50.3 in February while the Atlanta Fed GDPNow is now pointing to a -2.4% decline in GDP. And yet despite the growth moderation, inflationary pressure remains stubbornly high, restricting the Fed’s ability to cut rates.
Make Europe Great Again; The pivot away from crowded trades. Trump’s “transactional” style of policy making and his undermining of the NATO alliance has clearly galvanised European leaders and created a European unity not seen in decades. Germany’s “Whatever It Takes” moment on the easing of fiscal conservatism is, perhaps, a telling moment that Europe-at-large is entering stimulus mode just when the US is engulfing itself with policy uncertainties. The implications for these shifts on portfolio construction are significant and our recommendations are:
Portfolio Approach: The best strategy in an era of volatility. The DBS CIO Barbell Strategy has outperformed S&P 500 and Nasdaq by 4.1 %pts and 9.1 %pts respectively this year, and this drives home the importance of embracing a portfolio approach in an era of heightened geopolitical and policy uncertainties. Our Overweight calls on gold and bonds are paying off handsomely this year as their resilience offset the volatility in equity markets.
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