
DBS Foundation launches DBS Social Innovators 2016


Engage and connect social innovators from different sectors to drive social innovation through the use of design and technology

Social Talks #1-4 kick off programme today

HONG KONG,25 January 2016 -

Innovative technology is one of the fastest growing sectors in Hong Kong in the past 10 years. According to figures from the Hong Kong government in 2015, Hong Kong's gross domestic expenditure on R&D increased from HK$7.1 billion in 2001 to HK$15.6 billion in 2013, representing an average annual growth of 7%. The latest Global Innovation Index by Cornell University and other organisations ranked Hong Kong the 11th most innovative place out of some 140 economies. The Policy Address 2016 also stated that, to encourage investment from venture capital funds in local innovation and technology startups, the Government will set aside HK$2 billion to set up an Innovation and Technology Venture Fund for co-investing with private venture capital funds on a matching basis. Technology development is definitely the “must-have” item in town.

DBS Foundation recently launched “DBS Social Innovators 2016”  to engage and connect social innovators from different sectors, and to drive social innovation through the use of design and technology. We believe the new generation of social entrepreneurs will be tech-savvy social innovators who can apply and integrate design, technology and other professional expertise in their business for social good.

DBS Social Innovators 2016 includes two stages: “Pitchathon” and “Final Pitch”. During the Pitchathon, the startup participants will be guided through their business growth and development with the help of business mentoring from industry and business insiders. Participants will refine their business models within three months. The Pitchathon will conclude with a Final Pitch, where DBS Foundation and the panelists will decide which ideas to support with a granting fund for market launch in the second half of the year.   

The programme kicks off with a series of Social Talks in collaboration with the SOCTECH series from January to February. Four Social Talks, namely, “Social Talks #1-4”, encourage the use of innovative technology to create social change, opening up infinite possibilities in people’s lives.

Social Talks #1-4 invites around 300 participants, including tech startups, IT professionals, designers, young entrepreneurs, social enterprises, NGOs and academics, to discuss current social issues and community needs, introduce innovative social tech projects and DBS Social Innovators 2016.

Details of Social Talks #1-4 http://www.hkcss.org.hk/c/cont_detail.asp?type_id=20&content_id=3104

Enquiry: joyce.wong@hkcss.org.hk / 2922 9254


Date & Venue




27 Jan


The Good Lab

Where Technology Meets Social Innovation

- Peter KWOK

LUI Tsz-Wai Ava
  Co-founder, Easycare

- Anthony WONG
  Business Director
  Policy Research and Advocacy


18 Feb


The Cyberport

Reversing Social Engagement
Innovate to Outreach the Community and Client

Timothy MA, JP
  Executive Director
  Project Flame, Social Innovation & 
  Entrepreneurship at
  The City University of Hong Kong 

Cecilia NG 
  (uTouch Cyber Youth Outreach Project)
  Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 

- Kelvin CHEUNG
  Chief Executive Officer
  UnLtd HK and
  Chief Operating Officer
  The Good Lab


22 Feb



Make Money, Have Fun and Do Good 
Opportunities in the Aging Population 

  DotAsia (HK)

TONG Choi-ying
  Programme Director 
  (Elderly Care)
  Christian Family Service Centre

- Ryan YEUNG
  Founder, Happy Retired


29 Feb


Hong Kong City University

Redesigning Community
Over the Horizon, Beyond Community Care 

- Anthony WONG
  Business Director
  Policy Research and Advocacy 

- Josephine LEE
  Deputy Chief Executive Officer
  St James’ Settlement

- Peter Joseph CHUM 
  Founder & CEO 
  Open Life Design Foundation 


DBS Foundation
As a corporate foundation in Asia solely dedicated to championing social entrepreneurship, DBS Foundation contributes towards building a more inclusive society so that those at society’s margins can enjoy productive and rewarding lives. DBS Foundation works with Social Enterprises and Social Entrepreneurs in Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and Indonesia with programmes ranging from venture challenges, learning forums, intensive incubation, project grant support, financing and skilled volunteer mentoring.  The Foundation is an endeavor from DBS Bank to make an even greater impact in addressing Asia’s evolving social needs.

Visit us at: www.dbs.com/dbsfoundation
Reach us on: dbsfoundation@dbs.com

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