
DBS Foundation launches Asia’s first social enterprise-dedicated lifestyle portal


Asia For Good features over 200 social enterprises

raises awareness for sustainable living

HONG KONG,15 January 2016 -

DBS Foundation launched its Asia For Good website (www.asiaforgood.com), a first-of-its-kind lifestyle portal to help social enterprises (SEs) in the region gain greater visibility. The platform enables SEs to showcase their causes and offerings to potential customers. To date, around 200 SEs across Asia have listed their services for free on Asia For Good, of which, around 20 SEs come from Hong Kong. It helps raise the awareness for their businesses.

The portal also features content on conscious consumption, helping to raise the profile of SEs in Asia and connect them with the wider community, potentially leading to new business opportunities. This allows SEs to maximise their reach and marketing effectiveness, and focus their efforts on business and skills development. Members of the public can also discover content around causes they are passionate about, such as helping the disadvantaged and environmental sustainability.

According to the 2015 Nielsen Global Sustainability Report, over the last two years, consumers are increasingly aware of and willing to pay for socially sustainable goods and services. In 2015, 66% of consumers said that they were willing to support socially conscious businesses, compared to 50% in 2013. This trend was most apparent amongst millenials (those aged 21-34), who were seen as the most responsive to sustainability actions.

With conscious consumption on the rise, there has been a gap in the market for a platform that brings together and profiles SEs from various communities, many of which consumers may not have heard of. Asia For Good aims to fill that gap by connecting consumers to SEs in their communities, enabling consumers to make more informed and socially conscious decisions about the way they live and buy.

Through its relatable lifestyle content around topics such as food, shopping and travel, Asia For Good hopes to convey the message that consumers can continue to do the things they love to do, but with companies that make a difference. It aims to integrate conscious consumption into consumers’ everyday lives as seamlessly as possible. In addition to SE features and a comprehensive directory listing, the site will also be updated with the latest SE-related events.

Ms Glendy Chu, Executive Director and Head of Group Strategic Marketing and Communications, DBS Bank (HK) Limited, said, “We are pleased to see that, Hong Kong SEs can leverage Asia For Good to develop their business. Through the portal, we believe that public will have more understandings towards the SEs environment. It makes them easier to embrace sustainable living and creates a win-win situation.”

Since 2010, DBS has worked in partnership with like-minded organisations, as well as the public and social sectors, to promote the development of social entrepreneurship. The DBS Foundation was established in 2014 to enable the bank to provide more dedicated focus to addressing Asia’s evolving social needs. The foundation actively supports and promotes SEs in Asia through the provision of funding, skilled mentoring, training and access to platforms to showcase their businesses. Asia For Good is DBS Foundation’s latest initiative in championing social enterprises in an innovative and different manner.

Photo Captions

Photo 1: DBS Foundation launches Asia’s first social enterprise-dedicated lifestyle portal with content around topics like food, shopping, travel as well as the updated news of approximately 200 Social Enterprises in the region. It enables consumers to make more informed and socially conscious decisions about the way they live and buy.

Photo 2: Among the 200 listed Asia social enterprises, around 20 of them come from Hong Kong. 


About DBS
DBS - Living, Breathing Asia
DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia, with over 280 branches across 18 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS has a growing presence in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank's capital position, as well as "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings, is among the highest in Asia-Pacific. DBS has been recognised for its leadership in the region, having been named “Asia’s Best Bank” by The Banker, a member of the Financial Times group, and “Best Bank in Asia-Pacific” by Global Finance. The bank has also been named “Safest Bank in Asia” by Global Finance for seven consecutive years from 2009 to 2015.

DBS provides a full range of services in consumer, SME and corporate banking activities across Asia. As a bank born and bred in Asia, DBS understands the intricacies of doing business in the region’s most dynamic markets. These market insights and regional connectivity have helped to drive the bank’s growth as it sets out to be the Asian bank of choice. DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, and positively impacting communities through supporting social enterprises, as it banks the Asian way. It has also established a SGD 50 million foundation to strengthen its corporate social responsibility efforts in Singapore and across Asia.

With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting career opportunities. The bank acknowledges the passion, commitment and can-do spirit in all of our 22,000 staff, representing over 40 nationalities. For more information, please visit www.dbs.com.

About DBS Foundation
As a corporate foundation in Asia solely dedicated to championing social entrepreneurship, DBS Foundation contributes towards building a more inclusive society so that those at society’s margins can enjoy productive and rewarding lives. DBS Foundation works with Social Enterprises and Social Entrepreneurs in Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and Indonesia with programmes ranging from venture challenges, learning forums, intensive incubation, project grant support, financing and skilled volunteer mentoring. The Foundation is an endeavor from DBS Bank to make an even greater impact in addressing Asia’s evolving social needs.  Visit us at: www.dbs.com/dbsfoundation

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