Celebrating National Education Day, Bank DBS Indonesia Launches "DBS Bersiap" to Foster University Students with Disabilities | Bahasa

Indonesia.02 May 2024.0 min read
Indonesia, 02 May 2024 - Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia 2023 data shows that there were 22.97 million people with disabilities in Indonesia. The number represented around 8.5 percent of the population. Moreover, in a 2023 study entitled "Embracing Diversity and Inclusion for All: Landscape Analysis on Children with Disabilities in Indonesia", the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) noted that 36 percent of children with disabilities in Indonesia did not receive education while only 8 percent of children without disabilities faced the same situation.

The good news is, according to a report by Statistics Indonesia (BPS), the number of workers with disabilities in Indonesia surged by 160.18 percent from 277,018 in 2021 to 720,748 in 2022. The number represented around 0.53% of Indonesia’s total working population of 131.05 million. The increase shows a growing awareness of companies in Indonesia of inclusion and equality in the workplace. However, there is still a lot of work to be done so that the number can continue to increase year after year.

Aware of this challenge, Bank DBS Indonesia together with Konekin (Koneksi Indonesia Inklusif) launched "DBS Bersiap", a collaborative programme that aims at improving access to education for people with disabilities across Indonesia. The partnership is in line with the theme of National Education Day 2024, celebrated every May 2, "Moving Together to Promote Freedom to Learn".

DBS Bersiap was joined in by 50 university students. Of the total, 58 percent were students with sensory disabilities (low vision, total blindness, deafness, speech impairment, and other sensory limitations/impairments), 28 percent with physical disabilities (cane users, wheelchair users, prosthesis users, and people with other physical limitations), and 14 percent with mental disabilities (autism, Asperger's, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/ADHD, bipolar, and other social limitations).

"We believe that every individual deserves a quality education. By collaborating with Konekin in the DBS Bersiap programme, as well as with the contribution of Bank DBS Indonesia’s employees, we are committed to developing an inclusive mentorship programme that takes into account the needs and potential of each individual. This is in line with our third sustainability pillar, Impact Beyond Banking, to focus our efforts on creating a positive impact for the wider community, including for people with disabilities," said Head of Group Strategic Marketing and Communications at PT Bank DBS Indonesia Mona Monika.

The programme is the embodiment of Bank DBS Indonesia's active participation in closing learning gaps for people with disabilities. The programme also highlighted Bank DBS Indonesia's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) as the realisation of the sustainability pillar Impact Beyond Banking.

The course materials in DBS Bersiap were carefully crafted and divided into six workshop sessions, followed by relevant mentoring sessions within a span of 14 weeks. The materials covered work ethics, financial and investment literacy, communication styles in the professional world, problem-solving, how to choose the right career path, and skill development at the individual and organisational levels. The learning topics were handpicked to equip participants with the theoretical and practical insights they need in the world of work.

During the course of the programme, participants received guidance from facilitators from Konekin and Bank DBS Indonesia based on their expertise. Before the programme started, all facilitators received training on ethical guidelines on how to engage with people with disabilities to ensure that each session ran smoothly and all participants had a positive learning experience.

Previously, Bank DBS Indonesia has had various initiatives in the field of education, including:

1. DBS Berpijar

In 2022, Bank DBS Indonesia collaborated with Pijar Foundation to provide online courses covering a wide range of essential skills to prepare thousands of students across Indonesia for their future. In 2023, the programme returned with the theme "Transformational Leadership: Building a Strong Foundation for the Future Society" and was joined in by 1,119 students from 439 universities in Indonesia. The course materials included, among others things, Digital Leadership Skills, Organizational Culture, and Social Impact.

2. DBS Foundation Coding Camp

The programme offers scholarships for coding training to improve the competence of digital talents in Indonesia. The programme was initiated by Bank DBS Indonesia and DBS Foundation in collaboration with Dicoding Indonesia. Participants, consisting of members of the general public and teachers, are given materials related to Back-End Development and Machine Learning from beginner to competency levels. Since its launch in 2023, the DBS Foundation Coding Camp has attracted more than 104,000 participants, helping to create a generation that possesses digital literacy skills. The programme also issued certifications to support participants who are interested in pursuing careers in information technology (IT).

Bank DBS Indonesia believes that learning is not limited by age and should happen over the course of a lifetime. Bank DBS Indonesia not only encourages its employees to share their knowledge with others, but also empowers them to continue to update their knowledge through various education and training programmes. Throughout 2023, Bank DBS Indonesia invested more than Rp52 billion in employee education and training, including in the "Be My Guest" programme that enabled employees to learn about the lives of the teams or leaders outside their unit or department to encourage collaboration. Meanwhile, the "Transformational Leadership" programme is held for leaders to encourage their teams to innovate and adapt to changing times.

Bank DBS Indonesia also prioritises training and development of knowledge on Anti Money Laundering, Know Your Customer, Know Your Employee, and Fraud Management. Through these measures, Bank DBS Indonesia maintains the commitment to equipping employees with relevant skills and knowledge as well as increasing the sense of responsibility for their competencies. Thanks to these training facilities, Bank DBS Indonesia was named “Best Company to Work for in Asia 2023 (Indonesia)” by HR Asia'.

For more information about DBS Bersiap and other Bank DBS Indonesia’s development programmes, visit Instagram @dbsbankid.

About DBS
DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia with a presence in 19 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank’s “AA-” and “Aa1” credit ratings are among the highest in the world.

Recognised for its global leadership, DBS has been named “World’s Best Bank” by Global Finance, “World’s Best Bank” by Euromoney and “Global Bank of the Year” by The Banker. The bank is at the forefront of leveraging digital technology to shape the future of banking, having been named “World’s Best Digital Bank” by Euromoney and the world’s “Most Innovative in Digital Banking” by The Banker. In addition, DBS has been accorded the “Safest Bank in Asia“ award by Global Finance for 15 consecutive years from 2009 to 2023. DBS Indonesia is ranked second in the top as World’s Best Bank in Indonesia for three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022.

Established in 1989 as part of the Singapore-based DBS Group, PT Bank DBS Indonesia (Bank DBS Indonesia) is one of the banks with the longest history in Asia. Currently operating 1 Head Office, 13 Branch Offices, 16 Assistant Offices and 4 Functional Offices and 3,011 active employees in 15 Major Cities in Indonesia, Bank DBS Indonesia provides comprehensive banking services in the corporate, SME and consumer banking segments that focuses on the customer experience to 'Live more, Bank less'. We also see a purpose beyond banking and are committed to supporting our customers, employees and the community towards a sustainable future.

PT Bank DBS Indonesia is licensed and supervised by The Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK), and an insured member of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS).

DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, as it banks the Asian way. Through the DBS Foundation, the bank creates impact beyond banking by supporting businesses for impact: enterprises with a double bottom-line of profit and social and/or environmental impact. DBS Foundation also gives back to society in various ways, including equipping underserved communities with future-ready skills and helping them to build food resilience.

With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting career opportunities. For more information, please visit www.dbs.com.