Dao Heng Bank introduces new internet securities trading services to offer customers multi-channel flexibility

Hong Kong.14 Aug 2001

Plus enhanced monthly consolidated account statement for At-A-Glance Summary of investment profit and loss

Hong Kong, 14 Aug 2001 - Dao Heng Bank Limited (Dao Heng) today announces its launch of the new Internet Securities Trading Services. Starting from now, customers can trade stocks and place transaction orders by taking fast and easy steps via DHB's ec-banking online banking platform. Also to be launched is the Enhanced Monthly Consolidated Account Statement, which enables customers to have a comprehensive overview of their financial situation in one single statement.

"In face of the fierce competition in the local banking industry, we continue to see our relations with customers as our greatest asset," said Sunny Cheung Yiu Tong, Senior General Manager of the Consumer Banking Division of Dao Heng Bank. "We strive to be innovative and customer oriented. Our priority is to satisfy customers' needs and demand for convenience in banking. That was why in July we launched the "TOTAL PLUS" banking service scheme and Tiered Interest Rates for HKD Savings. The new Internet Securities Trading Services are specially designed to offer a fast and handy channel for trading stocks. With this new service, customers can get real-time stock quotes, trade stocks, amend or cancel outstanding orders, check transaction status and history, and securities trading portfolio. Customers can now follow closely the market trends, obtain the latest information of local and international investment opportunities. In short, they can capture every investment opportunity with ease."

Dao Heng's new Internet Securities Trading Services are fully automated, fast and easy to operate. Existing DHB customers who have opened a Packaged account, Securities account and registered with the ec-banking services just need to visit the Bank's website (www.daoheng.com), key in the User Name and PIN and follow the simple on-screen instructions for further input or enquiries. New customers can open any DHB's Packaged Account (including "Premier Banking", ec-account or ec-payroll) and Securities account to enjoy the new Internet Securities Trading Services.

* Self service securities trading machines at United Centre branch and Lok Wah branch will be available by end August and early September this year, respectively.

Apart from a wide range of stock trading channels, Dao Heng customers can enjoy the Bank's Stock Watch Services with a monthly fee of as low as HK$238, including real-time local stock quotes and up-to-the-minute stock-related information such as stock bid and ask prices, bid broker queue and ask broker queue, financial news, market analysis, reports, charts and ranking information.

In addition, Dao Heng will launch the Enhanced Monthly Consolidated Account Statement in the coning future to provide customers with an at-a-glance summary of the latest prices of the stocks in the account, transaction records, profit and loss summary and a clear integrated overview of other personal banking information including deposits, investments, loans and securities balance.

At Dao Heng' customer's long-term interests always come first. Apart from carrying out securities transactions through a range of channels, customers can automatically credit transaction proceeds to their HKD savings account at DHB to enjoy the privileged rates offered by its four-tiered interest rate structure. Under "TOTAL PLUS" banking service scheme, every customer's deposits, investments, loans and credit cards balance of all the accounts at Dao Heng Bank and Overseas Trust Bank under his or her name will be included as the Total Relationship Balance of the individual customer. The more a customer trade stocks with Dao Heng Bank, the larger his / her Total Relationship Balance will be, enabling him / her to enjoy higher fixed deposit interest rates.

For enquiries and details about the new Internet Securities Trading Services, please refer to information leaflets, call the 24-hour customer service hotline at 296 12345, browse the Bank's website at www.daoheng.com, e-mail to equiry@daoheng.com or visit any branch of Dao Heng Bank/Overseas Trust Bank in person.

Established in 1921, Dao Heng Bank Group Ltd ("DHBG"), a subsidiary of DBS Group Holdings Ltd ("DBS"), is one of Hong Kong's leading financial institutions with an extensive network of service outlets in Hong Kong, supported by a modern call center and Internet service channel as well as its overseas network.

As DHBG's principal subsidiaries, Dao Heng Bank Ltd, Overseas Trust Bank Ltd, Dao Heng Assurance Ltd and Dao Heng Finance Ltd, offer diversified banking and financial services, which include mortgage loans, commercial lending, trade finance, MPF, consumer and investment banking, treasury, trustee services, credit cards, life assurance and taxi and public light bus financing.


About DBS

DBS Bank is the flagship bank of DBS Group Holdings in Singapore. It is the largest bank in Southeast Asia, with the highest credit ratings in Asia Pacific. Established as a development financing institution in 1968, it is today the dominant market leader in Singapore dollar loans and deposits, foreign currency, derivatives, Treasury products as well as equity and debt underwriting. It is a leader in Internet banking and e-commerce. Beyond Singapore, DBS Group serves corporate, institutional and retail customers through subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Thailand, The Philippines, and Indonesia, and international banking services through a network of 13 overseas branches and offices.