Can I apply if my business is
creating any kind of social or
environmental impact?
DBS Foundation will only review
applications of social
enterprises (SEs) or small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) that
are enabling positive change in
vulnerable communities, as
relevant in your market., Focus
areas include providing
essential needs such as food
security, shelter, education and
mental health; as well as
fostering financial inclusion –
for a more inclusive world.
My business is registered as a
not-for-profit organisation, can
I apply?
Entities that are registered as
not-for-profit, sole
proprietorship, charities,
religious organisations for
religious purposes, election
campaigns, general fund-raising
drives or event sponsorships
will not be eligible for the
My business is not a social
enterprise but has CSR
programmes. Can I apply?
The Grant is for businesses for
impact, including social
enterprises and traditional
small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) creating a
commercial social impact
solution, which work on the
model of creating both profit
and impact. Please refer to the
definitions below:
Social enterprises are
businesses that have a social
mission at their core and use
sustainable commercial models to
achieve this social mission.
Their primary objective is to
achieve positive social,
cultural, community economic
and/or environmental outcomes.
As such, income generation
should play a key supporting
role to achieve their social
Other businesses for impact that
can apply include traditional
small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) creating a
commercial impact solution.
While their focus may be on
delivering profits to
shareholders, they are looking
to transform their existing
businesses into sustainable and
inclusive models with which to
drive impact on a commercial
Businesses for impact should
also be independent and
commercial entities that are not
owned by any state governments.
While social enterprises should
be able to sustain themselves
through commercial operations,
we recognise that some reliance
on grants in the early
pilot/start-up stages is common.
If I have already obtained a
grant from another organisation,
will it limit my chances of
being selected for this
The grants you have received
from other organisations will
not influence your application.
You are required to disclose
this information in the
application and substantiate how
the grant from DBS Foundation
can be prudently used to achieve
the outcomes you intend.
Can I apply to this programme if
I am a past grant awardee of DBS
SE and SME applicants which have
previously received grants from
DBS Bank and its affiliates,
subsidiaries (“DBS”) and/or
DBSF, may apply for the Grant,
only if previously awarded
grant(s) has expired. Being a
former DBSF grantee awardee does
not guarantee successful
application to future grants.
Every application will be
assessed independently on its
own merits.
I applied to the Grant before
but was not awarded a grant, can
I apply again?
Yes. Each year, applications are
reviewed independently. You may
submit a new application again.
Can I apply as an individual
before incorporating my
We award grants to for-profit
businesses only and not to
individuals. We only accept
applications from social
enterprises and SMEs that are
registered as legal business
entities in at least one of the
following markets: China, Hong
Kong, India, Indonesia,
Singapore and Taiwan.
My business is currently based
in India, but I have not
obtained an approval under
Foreign Contribution Regulation
Act (FCRA). Can I still apply?
Business entities in India
are required to provide
evidence of having FCRA
approval, or the ability to
meet the following criteria:
Profitability of the
business is dependent solely
on the sales revenue and not
on account of the income
receivable by way of grants
and/or awards;
Does not have a definite
cultural, economic,
educational, religious or
social (“CEERS”) programme;
Grant not be used towards
funding any other persons
and/or entities which would
need to be registered to
obtain FCRA registration or
DBS Foundation is unable to
award grants to entities that do
not meet the above criteria.