
Handbook for Social Enterprises in Indonesia
DBS Foundation partnered UKM Center Universitas Indonesia (Center of Small Medium Enterprises, Universitas Indonesia) to develop a handbook on Social Entrepreneurship that covers useful information and practical guidance for those who are interested in starting their enterprise and address social concerns in Indonesia. The handbook was made possible through a series of discussions and interviews with the Social Entrepreneurship players (entrepreneurs, incubators, etc.) across the country. Through this book, we aim to not only enlighten the readers with the concept, but also to encourage those with the calling to make a difference to use the necessary know-how to initiate their social start-ups.
The handbook (currently available in Bahasa) can be downloaded here.

LegalSE - SE Legal Toolkit (2015 Version)
With support from DBS, Law Society of Singapore officially launched the first edition of 'LegaleSE', in December 2013, with the aim of providing aspiring or experienced social entrepreneurs with legal information that is required to run a business with a cause in Singapore. Since then, the content has been revised and expanded to cover charities and non-profit organisations as well. The revised edition with the support of DBS Foundation has been launched in 2016 and this legal toolkit provides essential legal information relevant to running a business with a cause in Singapore and covers a wide range of topics, including: Starting Up, Operations, Expansion and Winding Down. With the coverage of essential legal topics, this publication is a useful resource for social enterprises to enable them as the innovate, grow and scale in compliance with the law.
Download a copy of the LegaleSE here.
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