A story of
people designing
a bank

Necessary design
Design for millions
Hi there. This is our story. It's a story about a group of designers
working in a bank and doing our best to make money simple.
Financial services are necessary for our day-to-day lives. They go
from the tiniest moment — paying your friend back for lunch — to the
biggest, like applying for a mortgage. And that's why it's really
important we design them well.

Hello there
We are a team of 100 (and growing) based out of Singapore. We are gamers, cat lovers, calligraphists, crazy gardeners, marathoners, cyclists and accomplished musicians. 20 nationalities (and counting) that have 1 single vision to make banking as joyful as it can be.
Our values
Ideals that guide us and help us build great experiences
Embrace ambiguity
We embrace ambiguity because we live in the real world and design with and for humans. Not robots. We even find joy and creativity in ambiguity and fuzzy amorphous problems.
Step up & step in
We step up and step in to bridge the gaps we see and to help others.
We don't let our job descriptions narrow our field of influence or
accountability. Millions of customers (and plenty of employees) have
put their trust in us, and we are accountable to them - always.
Learn & unlearn
We learn and unlearn in an infinite feedback loop. Technology moves fast (and our customers with it). To keep it real and relevant, we seek out internal and external feedback and data.
Co-create & collaborate
We co-create and collaborate beyond our immediate team. We want our work to make an impact which means we need the support and knowledge of others. We leave our ego at the door and build genuine partnerships.
Connect & celebrate
We celebrate successes big and small. We're all whole people and have lives, interests and personalities outside of work. We make the effort to get to know each other, to celebrate one another, and to build real connections within our team.
Perservere with grit!
We persevere to see long-term change through. We don't give up at the first hurdle. It's important to strike a balance. Sometimes we need to pick our battles, and that's okay, too.
Help us rock the boat
‘I want to work at a bank’ said no designer ever. But they really should say that. Because banking isn't boring. Not when you're in it with a great bunch of people who are ready to rock the boat.
Things we think about
World’s Best Digital Bank
Euromoney, 2021Best Digital Bank
Global Finance, 2021Good Design Award
SG Mark 2021Corporate Digital Banking
Celent Model Bank 2021