The Financial Highlights are split into the following pages:
Financial Highlights 1
Group Operating Profit
Group Net Profit After Tax
Group Net Interest Income and Non-Interest Income
Financial Highlights 2
Group Income before Operating Expenses, Operating Expenses and Ratio of Operating Expenses to Income Before Operating Expenses
Group Customer Loans & Advances and Customer Loans to Total Assets Ratio
Group Customer Deposits
Financial Highlights 3
Group Total Assets and Return On Average Total Assets (ROA)
Group Total Shareholders' Funds and Return on Average Total Shareholders' Funds
Group Share Capital and Earnings Per Ordinary Share (EPS)
Financial Highlights 4
Group Provisions and Provisions as Percentage of Operating Profit
Group Total Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) & NPLs as Percentage of Total Loans
Group Cumulative Specific & General Provisions as Percentage of Unsecured NPLs
Capital Adequacy Ratio