Financial Highlights (pt 5) |
Group Total Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) & NPLs as Percentage of Total Loans |
TDB NPLs Total NPLs excluding TDB 1998: S$7,086.0 million (including TDB) : S$4,211.7 million (excluding TDB) (+278.8%) 1997: S$1,112.0 million Out of total NPLs of S$7,086.0 million, S$4.0 billion (56% including TDB) were secured by collateral; S$2.1 billion (30%) were non-defaulting but graded substandard. |
Total NPLs as % of Total Loans 1998: 8.2% (including TDB) : 5.2% (excluding TDB) (+3.3 percentage points) 1997: 1.9% |
Group Singapore & Other Countries' NPLs & NPLs as Percentage of Total of Singapore & Other Countries' Loans |
Singapore & Other Countries' NPLs 1998: S$2,972.5 million (+298.2%) 1997: S$746.4 million Singapore & Other Countries' NPLs as % of Total Singapore & Other Countries' Loans 1998: 3.9% (+2.4 percentage points) 1997: 1.5% |
Singapore NPLs rose to S$2,705.3 million at end-December 1998 compared to S$649.3 million in 1997, reflecting the impact of the Asian crisis. Close to 90% (S$2.4 billion) of the Singapore NPLs were classified in the substandard category; three-quarters (S$1.8 billion) of these were non-defaulting loans and were classified due to assessed weakness in the borrowers' financial strength or loan restructuring. |
Group Regional NPLs & NPLs as Percentage of Total Regional Loans |
TDB NPLs Regional NPLs excluding TDB 1998: S$4,113.5 million (including TDB) : S$1,239.2 million (excluding TDB) (+238.9%) 1997: S$365.6 million NPLs for exposure to the Regional Countries (Regional NPLs) increased mainly due to more stringent criteria adopted for classifying NPLs, |
continuing weakness in the regional economies and consolidation of TDB's and DBS Bank Philippines' NPLs. Loans are automatically classified as NPLs once the principal or interest payments are three months or more in arrears, compared with six months previously. - Regional NPLs as % of Total Regional Loans 1998: 36.4% (including TDB) : 22.8% (excluding TDB) (+17.4 percentage points) 1997: 5.4% |

Financial Highlights pt 1
Financial Highlights pt 2
Financial Highlights pt 3
Financial Highlights pt 4
Financial Highlights pt 5
Financial Highlights Pt 6
Group Regional Exposure at end 1998